Getting Involved
Donate to Heart4Kids: Heart4Kids needs approximately $20,000 to stock the orphanage with supplies, pay workers and cover rent and utility costs for the first 12 months. The funds raised will go to the purchase of clothing, educational materials, cooking supplies and more.
- Your financial contributions are tax-deductible, and because Heart4Kids has no staffing or overhead costs, 100 percent of your donation goes straight to the children’s care.
Travel to Zimbabwe: Heart4Kids is looking for volunteers to travel to Zimbabwe and help launch the orphanage. During the two-week mission trip, you will help decorate and paint the orphanage, plant vegetables and flowers in its yard, read to and tutor the children and make their new home a safe and loving environment. You’ll also get to experience an African safari and shop for African art. For some of the children, this will be the first safe place they’ve ever had to live. You can help make that a reality by taking the trip of a lifetime this holiday season.
Get the word out: Follow Heart4Kids on Facebook, Twitter and help us spread the word about the important work we’re doing in Zimbabwe and the great need for people who will give their time or money to change a child’s life. You can also sponsor a child in Zimbabwe, or organize a Heart4Kids fundraiser in your area.
Don't forget to sign up to our newsletter for updates and information on the orphanage plans and stories of how lives are being changed by your generosity. You can contact us there with questions about the orphanage, the trip to Zimbabwe or ways you can help.
Thank you for standing up for the children of Zimbabwe.

For example:
$10- Breakfast and lunch for one child for one month
$25 - Medical fees for one child for a year
$60- School fees for one year for one child
$60 – School Uniforms for one child for one year
$100- School supplies 100 orphans for one trimester
$150- Sewing machine for an income generating project for AIDS orphans who have been taught dressmaking skills
$225- Sponsor a child for a year you will receive a picture notes and letters from the child as well as a packet from the organization.
$750- The yearly salary of the assistant cook that provides orphans and staff daily food
$2000- Build a well to give the children clean water From the US, packages cost approximately $4 a pound so it can be quite expensive to mail things. We are happy to purchase items that you wish to donate if you send a check and a list of what you have in mind. This is often more cost economical even than sending used items.