Monday, September 9, 2024
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Ashley (Hope Trip '10)
Hi Sandra,

I want to let you know how thankful I am to have had the privilege in taking part in helping out the beautiful children of Africa. My heart is full and I can not wait to take part in helping out in the near future in anyway I can. Your family was so good to me they treated me like one of there own, you are a very lucky woman to have the beautiful family you do as well as the support.
We spoke briefly about my religious background and how I told you I don’t believe in religion but I consider myself spiritual. Well, one of the many beautiful experiences that stood out for me was the day we went to the village. I was overwhelmed with joy as I stood there watching the Children sing praise to God. I felt tears stream down my cheeks as I heard the rain and thunder pour down, as the singing grew louder so did the storm, I knew right then God was there, I felt him that day.
Sandra, Heart 4 Kids saved me. I honestly feel I was meant to be there at that time. I will forever be grateful for the time I had and the many beautiful memories will forever be engraved in my heart and mind. I can not begin to express my deepest gratitude. Even though we live in different places please don’t let that stop you from asking for my help with anything you need to make Heart 4 Kids a bigger success than it already is.



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Bethany and Chance Smart (Hope Trip '09)

I would like to start by thanking Sandra Denenga for giving me the opportunity to be part of such a wonderful organization with such a genuine interest in helping the children of Zimbabwe and others in many remote places around the world. This organization is truly dedicated to improving the lives of children affected by the HIV epidemic, as well as the immediate family members trying to care for them after their parents have passed on. The situations and trials faced by these people on a daily basis is more than most will face in a lifetime, and I commend them for the bravery and courage they meet each day; but most of all I commend them for the hope and the love that they are able to hold in their hearts regardless of all the circumstances that surround them. It redeems my faith in humanity when I see people like Sandra, who have been blessed in this life, so ready to give back. This organization gives whole-heartedly and that is what needs to be done for such extreme circumstances to be combated. The experiences that I had on the 2009 Hope Trip were unforgettable and have changed my life and my heart forever. To Sandra, as well as her family, THANK YOU, and I plan to make this at minimum, a yearly trip for my son and myself. 

May God Bless You All 


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Jennifer Adamo Brian (Hope Trip '08)
It's been over a year now since coming home from Zimbabwe. Its taken almost this long to truly process everything I saw and everything we did. When I first came home, I was almost in shock. I'd never in my life seen such poor conditions of children and their environment. At first, I couldn't talk about my experience with Heart4Kids because I didn't know how to express my feelings. I was equally thankful for having seen what I did and also tormented by it. So much more needed to be done and yet I know we changed the lives of hundreds of children. I personally was able to pay for a woman of Seke to come clean and watch the children at one orphanage for an entire year. I simply asked Sandra how much something like that would be...when she told me $120 U.S. dollars...there was no question this was something I would do. I took comfort in knowing that those children were being helped, even after I left their country and I took comfort in knowing I provided a family with a years salary. That is the most incredible element to Heart4Kids; we can make a change. It is so grassroots that a simple volunteer like myself can come up with a plan, run it by Sandra, and have it taken care of right then and there. Heart4Kids if far from a commercial you may see on the television and wonder how much of your money those children would be seeing; if any at all. You have the chance to be there, in the middle of it all and decide what YOU will do to help! I reflect and hope they all still remember me because I remember every single one of them. I remember the babies, the teenagers and of course all the children. I remember the smiles, the tears and every story. It is so easy for someone to say "it changed my life", but working with Heart4Kids did. I've come to a new beginning because of my trip to Zimbabwe. I am no longer that stereotypical American that complains about the small things and takes for granted the ease and opportunities of our country. Heart4Kids and their mission's trip will change everything. However, take a deep breath. Be mentally prepared. Though most importantly, stay strong. These children need us. Thank you Sandra for the opportunity. I hope to have it again, and soon.