Thursday, January 16, 2025
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Hope Trip FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What will I be doing on the ground?
A: We will visit children in local schools, orphanages and hospitals. Our focus will be children who are affected by HIV and AIDS. Activities will include:
  • Visit partner orphanages and schools
  • Meet with Elders and Care-Takers
  • Spend time with the children reading, crafts, play sports
  • Improve the children's living conditions through
    • Planting and cultivating gardens
    • Cleaning and Painting
    • Arts and Crafts
Q: Why are we doing this?
A: To demonstrate our love for humanity. To bring hope where there is no hope, joy where there is sadness, food where there is hunger and education to every child who needs it.
Q: With whom and for who am I doing this?
A: You are partnering with Heart4kids spreading hope for the children in Zimbabwe.
Q: How much do I need to save?
A: We estimate that you will need about $3250 at least. Prices are skyrocketing in Zimbabwe because of the current economic situation hence we encourage you to be prepared for any sudden changes which you will be notified of ahead of time.
Q: If I can't go, can I get a refund?
A: Unfortunately, because Heart 4kids is a 501 (c) (3) we cannot refund donations. Please keep in mind that the funds you raise must be solicited and donated with the understanding that Heart4kids has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. In order for the funds donated to allow a tax deduction, they are not yours, or contingent upon your ultimate participation, but Heart 4kids funds to be used to further its charitable purposes.
Q: How do I raise the funds?
A: We encourage you to contact family members and friends. Let them know about the purpose of the trip and the needs in Zimbabwe.It is also recommended to let your colleagues, place of business or religious institution know about your trip plans and perhaps seek support from these sources. Additionally, you could try fundraising activities including bake sales, blog appeals, car washes, auctions, yard sales or other community fundraising events.
Q: Where do I send the funds to?
A: Sponsors can fund trips in the following ways:
  • Online donations can be made securely at:  -- OR ---
  • Mail checks made out to Heart4Kids to:
Heart4Kids Society, Inc.
2200 Olds Brick Rd. Suite #2139
Glen Allen VA 23060
Phone:(404) 957-9014
Q: Is there a contract I should sign before we go?
A: Yes, a contract with Heart4kidswill be signed before departure
Q: Should I bring extra money?
A: This is optional, but we do recommend extra money. During our free time you will be able to visit shopping centers, flea markets and gift shops. You may also need extra snacks for the day.
Q: Should I bring US currency?
A: Yes you may. Zimbabwe has currently authorized shops to use $US for transactions because of the bad economic situation.
Q: How will my Itinerary look?
A: Depending on the airline used, our flight will be from either New York, Atlanta or Washington Dulles to Johannesburg, South Africa then to Harare, Zimbabwe. A typical total travel time is 18-20hrs. You are responsible for booking and fare to the departure city.
Q: Where will I stay?
A: We will stay in a hotel or lodge some of the days and in the village partially.
Q: How many bags should I pack?
A: Generally International flights allow you to check in two 50lb bags. We encourage you to use the second bag for children?s gifts that you will be bringing. Here is a suggestion list of children?s gifts:
Q: Can I arrive early or stay later?
A: Yes. You will have to make your own travel arrangements and then confirm them with us. A reduced fee of $1500 for participation will apply.
Q: Can I bring or send donations?
A: Yes. Donations will be accepted for our various projects. Please refer to our website and see the required items.
We ask that every participant sponsor a child ? it takes $250 to support a child for one year. The success of our Hope trip is based on how much we can bring to change the children?s lives. Please donate to or mail your checks to:
Heart4Kids Society Inc
2220 Old Brick Rd Suite # 2319
Glen Allen VA 23060
Q: Will I get sick from the food?
A: There is currently a cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe. Fortunately, where we will be staying, there have not been many cases reported. The food and water are safe. When eating away from the hotel area, basic traveler?s precautions should be taken. Please check with CDC regarding any necessary immunizations needed.
Q: May I bring children?
A: Yes. Anyone is welcome to join. However, if any participants are under the age of 18, they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Also, each traveler must complete the application form and comply with the payment schedule set in this document.
Q: Do I need a visa?
A: Yes. A visa is required to travel to Zimbabwe. Contact the Zimbabwean embassy for more information:
1608 New Hampshire Ave NW
Washington, DC 20009
Tel: (202) 332-7100      
Q: Do I need a passport?
A: Yes. This must be a valid passport for six months past departure date. Copies should be carried with you and some left with family members in case you misplace it in Zimbabwe. Please apply for your passport as soon as you can to avoid delays and any rush processing charges.
Q: What should I pack?
A: You will pack outdoor clothing enough for 10days. Zimbabwe is generally warm to mild. Walking shoes, t-shirts, jacket. Basic toiletries, wash cloths, and a sleeping bag will be required for our village experience.
Q: Can I charge my electrical devices?
A: Yes you can if you have a universal adapter. These can be found at any CVS or dollar store.
Q: Do I need shots?
A: You will have to talk to your doctor and also visit to see if shots are recommended for the country you wish to visit.
For any other questions you may have, visit our website and please contact us by email at