Monday, September 9, 2024
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Baby Farai with no parents needs food and medicine and someone to hold her and reassure.

There are many infants like these in orphanages hospitals and villages in Zimbabwe. They lack basics like medicine, clothing, diapers, formula and shelter. Some of them are abandoned and some of them are orphaned. I met a boy who was 18 months and the only home he knew was Harare Children’s hospital. The only adults that he knew were the nurses in uniform. The nurse patient ration was so high that he was left to play alone as the few nurses focused on critically ill children in the ward.

I will never forget this boy. He had big bright eyes and took comfort in an old stuffed elephant that someone had given him. In talking to the matron, he was left by the hospital wall and since all the orphanages are too full they have to keep him in hospital indefinitely. This really troubled me. I hope when I go back I will be able to visit baby Farai in his new home. Many homes are closing their doors as they have nothing to give to the kids they already have.

Please donate and spread the word so that innocent helpless babies like Farai have a better start at life.

List of baby needs:
  • Blankets, clothes, Diapers, formula, off the counter medicine, toys, clean water